Growing old disgracefully



And no, this is not the Labour Party conference. With the nights fair drawing in and my photography skills going nowhere, I treated myself to a new book and took an hour off tonight to plooter about with a silhouette project. I have so much to learn, such as how to switch off the auto flash when in aperture mode - you would think that should be easy, huh? I think I knew once, but have forgotten and couldn't be bothered to look it up. Couldn't find the solution, so ended up all automatic with the flash off. And I ought to have made all the wee people look at the boss, some of them seem to be gazing at the light or their shoelaces. Would have liked to have left it set up and have another go, but we need the kitchen table for other stuff, the torch needs to go back in its emergency position and these guys have to go back in the toy box.

Made the big decision. I have been needing to replace the computer which keeps letting me down - scary when working from home - and have been swithering for ages, but finally ordered a smart new iMac.

The Professor has been out singing for two nights in a row. He now has a delightfully husky Humphrey Bogart voice. I am off to see if I can persuade him to say, 'Here's looking at you, kid!'

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