South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Orchids at home group

I spied these lovely orchids this morning which had been moved from another part of my friends' house into the sitting room where our Bible study is held. I sprang into action with my camera before the meeting started (which was probably as well!). You can see one of their lovely "port hole" type windows, two of which are along one of the walls, as well as the orchid which their daughter was going to throw away because it was dying. They brought it to their home and thoroughly revived it, having very green fingers!

Not having the car I walked to and from the group and thoroughly enjoyed it. I actually got an offer of a lift home but preferred to walk as it was such a lovely day - wouldn't have been so keen if it had been raining! There was a sea mist rolling in but it only lasted about half-an-hour and cleared to be a lovely afternoon. Tomorrow, the car is going in for repair - either by hubby driving it if he can get it started or by tow truck (courtesy of RAC!) We're hoping we may get it back at some stage tomorrow but will have to see.

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