South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Beauty near vandalism

I found these beauties alongside the football field and deliberately took it at an angle to get the effect I wanted. Nearby is the very vandalised football stand - which must have happened within the last week. Previously, one panel had been ripped off, now all are ripped off the top and some damage done to things stored inside. There are warning notices over it and they've tried to cordon it off. Very little vandalism normally happens in the village and it's a shame because the guy who runs the football club is all out for the village and also runs the local community centre (which had to be taken over by the community or closed by the County Council).

Lovely day weatherwise after the sun came out around lunch-time. I sat for a while in the garden and it was SO hot, which isn't bad for late September! Hubby did some more cutting back of the end hedges and also went round the field and picked all remaining decent blackberries - so blackberry and apple crumble on the way for probably the last time this year!

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