Serious stuff!

There was a lot of serious discussion going on in the market this morning.

This was Apt market, one of the big Saturday ones that everyone goes to. Judging by the difficulty in finding a parking place, we assume that everyone goes anyway. Unlike some of the more local ones in the tourist areas, there are few English or American voices here. This is where the French do their meeting and greeting and talking, as well as their shopping! The market spreads from one square to another and into all the little streets and alleyways. Huge!

Wedding procession
In the afternoon we heard music and singing and went down to the edge of our garden. We watched as a wedding party made its way up the road below us, with several musicians leading the way. They whole party must have walked all the way up from the church at the foot of the village and we assume they were heading for a hotel that is further round from here. I wonder what shoes they all wore! It was a really happy procession anyway.

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