The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline


Tomorrow is finally the palace to palace bike ride. This morning I looked at the train times to plan what time I was meeting a work colleague in the morning and realised there are no trains into London as early as I needed! Oops

After some panic I text my colleague to see if there was an option to take my bike to his place today as that would give me some alternative options to get myself into town (the bike doesn't fit in the car!)

Unfortunately where he lives is the wrong side of town so he suggested parking it at euston and he came down with some extra locks to get it as secure as possible. Hopefully it will still be there safe and sound early tomorrow!

I am eating a lot today as I think tomorrow is going to be very hard work. I also now need to start planning a route home from Windsor!

I really do need to learn at some point in my life to be prepared and stop "winging" it.

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