Plenty of wind

Just in the wrong place. Team New Zealand sailed a near perfect race in the light winds off San Francisco this morning (our time). Their only failing was to take marginally too long. Then they went and got beaten in the second race. If I still bit my fingernails ....

We stayed in the city last night, so that we could join friends at a lovely restaurant in Mission Bay, on Auckland's fabulous Tamaki Drive. Had to ensure that we were here before lunchtime as S' brother was bringing a business associate to lunch. As I had received the travelling camera for the strangers project yesterday afternoon, S thought that this man would satisfy the challenge.

I demurred on the basis that he would be a stranger only until introduced by brother-in-law. S sadly agreed; she was looking forward to a title of Stranger at My Table, in reference to the title of a book by Janet Frame, Angel at My Table.

As we arrived on a grey and windy morning, I noticed a couple of kite boarders on the bay, just out from Snells Beach. I grabbed my Pentax and the travelling camera and headed off. It was such a bleak morning, with the wind whipping in off the water, and light showers every so often, that there was no one on the beach. Only a solitary man at the public outdoors BBQ.

Here was a stranger. I asked him if he was with the kite boarders. "NO". I had noticed a bus converted to a caravan in the car park, and asked if that was his. "No. I'm just here cooking lunch. Not the best idea in the world".

I introduced myself, and the Blipfoto site, and the project. And asked him if he would be "my" stranger. Craig was very happy to oblige, and I completed the task of taking one picture of him, and a number of the kite boarders from nearby. I like this the best. Even better large

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