Jones Journal

By MeeshJ


An unexpected break from everything this week with H really poorly with an ear infection, which left her constantly crying in pain and deaf in one ear for several days. From last friday she's hardly slept and didn't move from the sofa until wednesday this week when the antibiotics finally started to work.
B was his usual silly self during dinner and H was laughing and trying to talk at the same time about her antibuttocks medicine, I don't think she realised what she'd said at first, then couldn't remember the right word, but it was already too late, she'll never be allowed to live it down.

On the plus side, I haven't been able to take her out to choose an animal onesie, but Daddy's been out and bought her 2. I can't see the attraction myself, but she is very soft and cuddly.

HeartFreeks September Challenge Silly

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