Light & sight

By CameronDP

Ride of the Valkyries

This morning, while waiting at the station, no less than three helicopters flew over, one after the other, low in the sky and heading west, blinking their white lights with a curious sense of urgency. Mysterious. Sadly, I was a little too slow off the mark to grab a shot when the third flew almost directly overhead - hey, I'd only had one cup of tea at that point!
[Best viewed large perhaps]
The last couple of weeks have been a bit of an uphill struggle as I haven't been my usual Superman-like self, in fact a little physically frazzled. I've had trouble with my sinuses for a while now but it has really moved up a gear recently >cough< Theories vary - is it sinusitis, rhinitis, allergies, something else, acid reflux: or all of the above? I fear I will have to have another wee chat with Dr Stringer soon....:/

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