Up and down!

As the village is built into the hillside, there are several levels and many different ways of getting from one level to another. Steps and alleyways that have been in existence for centuries are all over the place and sometimes it is like a maze getting to where you want to be. You can be guaranteed one thing however . . . whenever you go down, eventually you will have to climb back up again!

A mistral blowing today - very windy. And chaos in the village as some work is going on and route barrée and déviation signs are up. Tricky as it is normally to find one’s way up and down the village on roads not built for motor vehicles, these hindrances have caused chaos. Added to which, French drivers do not like being told what to do!

Staying local today because of the wind, we visited L’Enclos des Bories, a ruined village of bories or dry stone buildings located deep in the forest. If you are interested, there are some pictures here and eventually High Pike might provide some information.

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