Discoveries & Adventures

By bentleyfleh

Clive, the tea strainer.

This is Clive, whom I bought a few days ago. The photo came out a bit funny with the flash, but I thought it made him look a bit sci-fi. I used him this afternoon when I had one of my new workmates over. I found her on Facebook and we had a chance to moan about how useless the HR department are! Well it turns out she's lovely and we got along fabulously, and it'll be nice for us already to know somebody at our induction tomorrow.

Today's discoveries:

Sainsbury's' loose leaf Earl Gray is very fine and leaks out of strainers leaving an unappetising pile at the bottom of the mug.

Amazon is one of the best places to go for gluten-free food. You can buy in bulk and it's much cheaper than in supermarkets. Who knew? Knowledge from the new gluten-intolerant friend.

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