Day 7 - At sea 2

The return voyage across the North Sea was infinitely more pleasant than the outward crossing, though some passengers did get seasick.

We even had some company for part of the way! I watched them for ages while I was reading my book up on deck, waiting to see if they were going to hitch a ride at some point, but I don't think they did.

There were plenty of activities on board to keep us occupied between meals. I attended a talk given by the fitness expert on 'Eating for Your Blood Type' and a classical piano concert given by Neil Roxburgh, but I could have played bridge, taken part in a quiz, watched a demonstration of vegetable carving by one of the chefs, attended a dance class or gone to the gym.

No excuse to be bored, that's for sure!

And just in case we couldn't survive until dinner time, a Grand Tea & Cakes was put on in the afternoon to keep us going.

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