Crash from the past

Hi everyone!

Today, I went to my Nana's with my Mum, Craig, and Declan, as we were off school (and will be on Monday too!). Mum and I started talking about a bus crash she was involved in when she was younger. I put these on Facebook earlier, and the following two paragraphs are just copied and pasted from what I typed then:

On the 2nd of August, 1983, my Mum, who was 15 at the time, was on her way home on the number 34 Lothian bus. Only 3 stops away from getting off, a truck with a forklift truck on the back of it was heading in the opposite direction. As both vehicles drove under a bridge, the forklift truck was just a bit too high. It struck the bridge and fell to the side, tearing the front half of the roof of the bus off. One woman was killed when she fell from the bus.

My mum was knocked out for an unknown amount of time. She was sitting at the bottom, so thankfully she wasn't seriously hurt. Today, I decided to research it, and found these two pictures online. It looks a lot worse than I thought. I don't know what happened to the driver of either vehicle. I'm just so glad she was ok!

So, there you have it. It's scary to think something as small as picking a seat can determine wether you live or die. That woman, who was a mother, was just a couple of stops away from getting off. I'm so glad my Mum wasn't badly hurt, or worse. If she'd sat upstairs, I wouldn't be here typing this right now. Ugh, I don't wanna think about it....

Hope you have a good Saturday!

Steven :)

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