Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

Work Experience Forms

Hello Blippers! Hope your all well!

I got some work experience related forms at school today, just giving some information about what I'll be doing, what I need to bring with me, etc. I fell more excited than ever! And I'm really looking forward to blipping during it, although I'm not sure if I'll be aloud to take pictures inside, and I'm not sure if my camera will be working.

I handed in a lot of homework today, and my Spanish teacher gave us more. It really is getting beyond a joke now. She is Muy Loco!

Craig has unfortunately not been very well. He has thrown up, however it's only been a couple of times, so he'll hopefully be ok! Whenever there's some illness going on in this house, I seem to get it, so don't be surprised if I get ill in the next couple of days!

Have a good, long September weekend!

Steven :)

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