Manchester House

Spent a decadent day being wined and dined at Aiden Bryne's new restaurant in Manchester c/o my husband's connections in the industry. I was still full of cold so some of the more subtle flavours were a bit lost on me but I couldn't deny the food and setting were both stunning (see pic).

We had put Audrey in nursery for a full day to see how she got on and half way through the meal they called to say she was asleep. And my friend Laura spotted her playing happily there when she went on a tour there earlier in the day (and sent me a text to confirm she was OK). This helped me relax over lunch more than I would have done otherwise and was a Godsend.

Picked her up and despite being hungry (her not me!!! she hadn't liked her lunch so had hardly eaten), she was a happy little bean.

She talks a lot more after a day at nursery, babbling in the bath and I can still hear her babbling on the baby monitor now.

She has a day with Gemma whilst we're at a wedding tomorrow so hope she'll be OK. Starting to feel like a bit of a part-time parent this week!

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