
no 2 ways about it - on an overcast and rainy day - red was the way to go

i looked outside - to see rain coming down for the 2nd day in a row - saw whithering plants on my patio - but then in the midst of them - was this glorious, newly opened, wonderful sassy red geranium - not yet ready to give up the ghost - on the ending of summer days as the rest of my plants are doing - perfect, i thought

i adore that type of attitude - whether in humans or plant life - tenacity is something i admire - the ability to hang on, hang in - give it all you've got - not throw in the towel when everything around you appears to be dismal and lost - you simply pull out the reserves - dig deep - move forward some more, right? which is what my little plant is doing - it's going to perform for me 'til the very end - providing for many...


happy day.....

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