International Timber, Hull

Okay so after yesterday I ought to redress the balance. My criticism of Hull was a little unfair. It is bleak and fairly run down, and it does appear to have the highest proportion of tracksuits tucked into socks anywhere in the country BUT the staff at International Timber (or JITS as we know it) have been incredibly helpful. Today one of them even allowed me to use the staff milk in my tea so I didn't have to endure another cup made with out of date UHT muck.

The picture shows a couple of guys working in the extensive mill facility they have at St Georges Dock in Hull. Notice the PPE being correctly worn - people say 'elf and safety has gone mad but JITS are currently celebrating 3 years without a lost time accident, which for such a busy mill is superb. The media would have you believe its all a crock of arses, but in truth it isn't. My own branch of Jewson hasn't had a lost time incident in over a year now either.

I've been attending a course designed to bring me up to a '4 star' level within Jewson Timber. Our branch is a designated Top 20 timber branch which means we have a milling function (currently out of action) a stress grader (Brian, aka Lincoln Warrior) and a good level of knowledge and stock across the branch. However the aim is to introduce 4/5 star individuals into the key management positions at these branches. Over the Xmas period I completed 12 internal computer based modules designed to improve my product knowledge, and the last two days have been advanced product knowledge and a networking opportunity. It's been extremely useful (although i suspect the average joe would find it as interesting as this little write up) both in terms of what I've learned and in terms of finding out where my abilities are when measured against other people. There were 8 on the course from Wales, Cumbria, Newcastle Sheffield and other exotic places such as Ormskirk.

The next step is a 9 day course at various locations to bring me up to BTEC standard and officially certificate me as one of the first handful of Jewson staff to attain an internal 5 star timber qualification. The BTEC will be nice as it is officially recognised and not simply an internal qualification.

In other news I've just almost bored myself to sleep writing that.

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