Crystal Opal With Green Diamond Accents.

This black opal was given to me as a teenager. It came from my Great Gt Aunt Tot, who lived in Waga Waga, Australia. Her husband was an opal prospecter and this one (actually the size of a thumbnail) came from the Lightning Ridge opal mines in N.S.W. The name originated in the 1870's when a farmer, his dog and 600 sheep were killed by lightning. In the Middle Ages opals were considered lucky and if wrapped in a fresh bay leaf and held in the hand, would confer the power of invisibility. However, in 1829, when Sir Walter Scott's novel, 'Anne of Geiernstein was published, it said that Baroness Arnheim wears one and when a drop of Holy Water falls on it, she dies. It was then considered unlucky for a long time and sales dropped 50% It is the birthstone for October and 97% of the world's supply comes from Australia.

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