Now we have everything

By Gembop

Our walk home

I've applied one of the blipfoto iPhone filters to todays pic. It definitely is punchy! And Charlie looks especially bald! His hair has come through so much, but it's still too fair for pictures.

After a very busy day yesterday we stayed at home this morning. Charlie played whilst I sorted the house out after being away again at the weekend. It's amazing how quickly it can all descend into chaos!

Charlie and I then chilled in the living room. We don't use it much in the day, but I put a load of strategic cushions down to cover any cables, sharp corners etc and then he was off! I just watched him do laps around the room. He pulled himself up on the tv bench ('No Charlie'), moved a cushion and started chewing an extension lead ('No Charlie!), grabbed all (fake but still sooty) coal from the fire ('NoooOoo!') and pulled all the books out from under the glass coffee table ('careful of your head!') it was relaxing, honest! He spent most of the time playing with his favourite fisher price telephone toy whilst I caught up on his holiday photobook.

In the afternoon we'd arranged to meet up with Katrina and walk to a baby group at CUFOS. Charlie hasn't napped all day again and I thought the 20 minute walk would knock him out. No chance. He fell asleep just as we were walking up to the building. Rather than see if he'd stay asleep in his pushchair while I could have a cuppa, I took us up to Muswell Hill instead. I was already dripping with sweat in the heat and generally being unfit, so I figured I might as well force myself up the rest of the hill.

He stayed asleep as I reached and pottered around a few shops, including M&S where I picked up something tasty for tonight's tea. After a 30 minute snooze he woke up so I took a slow walk back home through the grove and down into the palace park. I grabbed today's picture on the bottom path just before we hit the train station.

Charlie keeps arching his back to sit up properly on his pushchair so I pulled him up on the highest setting and we had one of our usual one-sided conversations/singfests on the walk back.

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