Now we have everything

By Gembop

8 Months Old

I say this every month but WOW! Another month older and what a whopper! My dude is a fully fledged crawler! A little rug rat.

He LOVES cables and plays a great game where he tries to get them into his mouth and gum them before mummy can take him away.

Charlie weighs 17lb 6oz, doesn't yet have any teeth through but his hair is finally growing! And there's a tinge of the rouge about it :)

He still adores his food, especially feeding himself. He'll happily be spoonfed but gets impatient if it's not shovelled in fast enough.

Sleeping is still mostly confined to nighttime, when he's very ready for his bed at 7pm and will send himself off to sleep. But that's only after rolling around and doing a few 360 degree spins to find the most comfy spot- which invariably ends up being right up to the bumper at the foot of the cot.

The day starts between 5:30am and 6am. He'll play for a short while on his own but wants his morning milk feed too much to be patient for too long. After that feed he's sat up in our bed poking daddy in the back and crawling dangerously close to the edge.

He's christened his forehead with a few bruises now from his crawling and raising himself to stand against furniture. I've not encouraged the coasting but I doubt I'll have a choice in the next month!

His other favourite things after eating and cables, are pulling grass, eating leaves, bath time (but out of his bath seat so he can chase after his toys), being tickled as his ribs and feet are soOOoo ticklish, and smiling at everyone! He also loves any object that isn't actually a toy, and is so 'over' any baby toy that doesn't do anything. He likes to hear a reaction to every action- like the jingle of a bell when he shakes his toy cube or the tiny grunt of Dylan when he gets his hair pulled (oops! Charlie is just jealous he has some!)

To mark another first, Charlie had his first swimming lesson today. I was hoping he'd sleep on the walk there but he was having none of it. That meant he was a little glassy eyed during the lesson itself but seemed to enjoy it nonetheless. We all managed to get our babies there, changed and on time for the lesson which is an achievement in itself! The water was lovely and warm too.

After the lesson he was very tired and shouty but soon fell asleep once back in his pushchair. Katrina, Emily and I went to Monkeynuts where he soon woke for lunch. As it was another beautiful day we headed to priory park after and lay the blankets out. After the walk home I feel like I've had a good work out today!


Flashback to seven months

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