Happy Daze

By Dazed


Another gorgeous day although thankfully a bit cooler than Saturday. I don't think that made a difference to Mr TSN though as he did the majority of the punting and I think he was feeling the heat! Mr Dazed has balance issues and so decided to stick to the oar but Mrs TSN and I both had a go. I steered us right into a tree where I got the pole stuck in a branch and almost went into the water as I tried desperately to free it. We did hear a big splash and a cheer at one point - luckily the guy who'd gone in (top middle) was wearing trunks and a t-shirt but we were all in jeans so it would have been a bit of a bummer if we had gone in :) It was crazy busy on the water and a bit stressful to start off with but was better once we got further away from the starting point. We even managed a wee glass of champagne!

Back on dry land we had a picnic of tortilla chips and hummus, cherries and chocolatey marshmallowy thingies. There was a jazz band playing nearby, very civilised! Afterwards we had a wander round Cambridge, which is a really beautiful city and then a pub dinner followed by the train home.

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