Inside Out

Perhaps it was a bad idea to have that nip of whisky at bed time last night. It was intended to relax and promote a sound sleep, undisturbed by teenage high jinks all around us.
Instead it served to keep us awake which in turn meant that ones's thoughts turned to comfort visits. Once that happens, nothing suffices but to get up and answer the call of nature; easier said than done when one is not in the pole position within the tent and there is a body with legs between you and the tent opening, the zipper of which has been pulled down to the wrong side of the opening.

With a slow start to the day, we opted for a breakfast coffee in Dunbar and a look round the harbour before taking down the tent and making our way to Merryhatton for lunch.

It's always an anticlimax to return home to the mundane after an Awfully Big Adventure, but there are things to be done, and lest we feel deprived of the campsite teenage high spirits, we need not look further than this part of town which is seething with freshly returned students.

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