I don't know about you, But I'm feeling 22

Early this morning, late night chat for us, early evening chat for Boy.

We are so proud of Boy - he has this amazing life in America and he makes use of every opportunity he is given.

It was his birthday yesterday, and I find myself asking where have the last 22 years gone? They have gone so, so quickly, and the last three have gone even faster.

As well as training every day; early morning conditioning, he is working in the College PR office, and also mentoring in the Writing Centre, helping other student develop their own writing skills. Since he has been over this year - he has also spent a little time with a local TV station, gaining a bit of knowledge and hopefully making great contacts.

We laughed yesterday when he told us that he had spent longer than expected at the TV station, and initially the boys started to panic; they phoned the girls.. who were away on a Volleyball weekend, and they started to panic. While Steven sat in a diner on the way home- they all phoned the TV studio to find out if he was still there or not... And Boy came home to an email from the new anchor mightily impressed at the concern he had generated.

When we spoke last night, the birthday celebrations hadn't even begun. He had no idea what they would be doing, mostly that it would involve partying, which they seem to do all the time.

The highlights appear to have been Boy being blindfolded and walked half way across Mount Olive, and being welcomed by a piper playing Scotland the Brave and being very enthusiastically cheered by a house full of student athletes, much Jack Daniels, and much noise! It made our hearts happy to see him loved so loudly.

Sadly, the Resident Advisor got wind of the partying, and today, despite maahooosive hangovers all round, the whole team have to be out tonight to run for an hour, or at least until they throw up.

Happy Birthday Boy.... I love the way you live!

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