
By pattons6

Fun filled day

Had such a great day I was up early because of my cough. Some medicine and special cream on my nose and I felt so much better. So mummy and I went to ikea, we had to be early though as the universities go back this week and it would be very busy later. I got some plates, bowls, plastic cutlery and a special tunnel for playing, oh and a comfy chair. Mummy got a blind, alarm clocks for my brother & sister and thing to wash windows.

We then came back to empty the car and get daddy to collect mattresses for my brother and sister. The boxes were huge. Since then I have been playing with my tunnel, climbing on to my chair, squeezing in to the tunnel WITH daddy, and running round playing full of giggles. Mummy says that its been great, and my laugh is infectious. She said that last week about my cold so I am not sure if its a good thing.

I'm exhausted. So its time for my bath, bottle and bed. It's been such a busy day. I need to go check all my fairy friend are okay after the horrible rain today.

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