
By pattons6

Dance, dance, dance

I have had a great day today. I was up playing with mummy then we went to the shops. We went to look at mattresses for my brother and sister. Tomorrow we are collecting them - without my buggy. Woo hoo I get to walk. I have been doing lots of dancing as to can see from my picture.

I have been walking lots today. We went to get my medicine and I walked all the way there and back. I stopped for a chat with 2 ladies chatting, they found it funny that I stood in between them smiling and chatting. They couldn't understand me though, why not?

I have eaten very well today, even tried guacamole. Mummy said that once I have got rid of my cough and cold she is going to get me fully weaned, no more mashed food for me.

Now its off to bed. I got a great picture of my grandad fishing on holiday today. He had a heron waiting underneath him for the fish. My grandad is very good at fishing and often sells them to the locals for beer money. He better be getting me a new whistle, mummy keeps hiding mine.

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