Journey Day 3

Steve - Waiting in this woebegone train stop for his Mom to come pick him up - Steve is home for a week a month from the North Dakota oil shale fields where he works leading a construction crew. He says they are starving for workers there, the rate of pay is high for all jobs to include McDonald's and wages are high. Home is Goldendale so he is accustomed to small non-cosmopolitan! A well spoken handsome young man - his dad is an electrician and in his 50's - dad will join him in North Dakota soon - the lives we lead, best thing about travel is busting out of one's world!

(Notes for Day 3 - up and along the Columbia passing the Maryhill museum to return after a full circle drive along the river, a short hike to a major butte formed of rocks and leering up on the horizon, looking at the small communities and all have, perhaps, seen better days, on up a canyon along the Klickitat River, pretty dry oak hillsides but emphasis on dry and again more kind of nothing towns, back to Goldendale where I posted yesterday's blip and then onto Maryhill Museum. It was to be a home, mansion? for Sam Hill who was a road builder and entrepreneur, son in law to Joe Hill the railroad man who was beyond rich. The home was never a home, became a museum way back and among its odd but interesting collections is one of Rodin, both late drawings of the body which are amazing, simple and eloquent, and a decent collection of mostly the plaster stage of many of his famous bronzes. Then back to same campground on the river but a HUGE rain and thunder/lightening storm - so all is cooler and clean! Tomorrow across the bridge to begin exploring the dry side of Oregon.

My other photo choices and still no second posting place as I kind of like having to choose - include landscapes of the river, oh forgot the ones of Stonehenge built to copy the old and original and dedicated to WW1 veterans from the area, some great old building shots, high field shots and that kind of thing.)

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