
This was the look this morning when we first went out and to some degree the promise was fulfilled with a better day altho windy and sufficient to drive “The Layer” off the slopes of Treble Cone and into our house for the last gasp (maybe) of carpet.
On the subject of Promise The Boss has been promising to reveal my
K9 wall of Honour so here it is.
From the top down we have:
Tiny T eating Christmas cake, ME and The Boss, Sully
Roxy, Shadow Dancer, Louis
Bruce and Rocket, Fergus, Bruce with grass (Eating not smoking)
Attitude from SteinJ, Dougal, Roo
Oscar and Bess, Hamish (Birthday), Hamish and Hannah.

It will be added and edited as we come across grrreat K9 Blips…OK
Many thanks to the contributors…and to the dogs, WOOFS of course.

Oh and The Boss said that we are posting early ‘Cos we are having a busy evening.

More promise?

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