Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Hawea Back Road

Oh Thunder! Didn't see any lightning, which is just as well, being that I am of a slightly highly strung nature (I go totally away on fireworks), lightning is better avoided please. Wow it is seriously raining outside. I must admit that it looked like something serious was going to happen when The Boss and I went Blipping to Hawea this afternoon. He had spent the morning at SeniorNet (computing for oldies ) presenting their annual Spring Photo Competition which was really fun, so after lunch (his not mine) he decided we needed an outing as he needed a blip and had notes in his little black iPhone of possibles, so possibles became probable and more notes went into the iPhone for future adventures.

I am not sure if Wanaka SeniorNet mirrors the rest of N.Z. but the ownership of Ipads has been climbing steadily to the point that about a third of the meeting attendees were owners. These devices are wonderful for the more senior folk in our community and many are upgrading their ancient XP machines to them and getting huge smiles in the process. Folk who would rarely do anything except email are off buying Apps and as Wanaka enjoys ADSL2 broadband, I have heard stories of "movies in bed" for one lovely lady who was recovering from an illness and got tired of reading on the Kindle App. Skype is amazing.
The Bossess of course has all her business stuff on one as well and I am dropping hints for my Birthday so I can watch all the Beethoven (the dog) movies in my house at night. The Boss has said I would need headphones. Hmmmmm

And the picture...
It was sheer luck that the car came along. I wouldn't want you to think that we waited 45 minutes for it, 'Cos we didn't.

Check the number plate?

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