Foggy Morning

I took a short detour on my way to work this morning and found this foggy scene in Bellingham Bay. I know, it's kind of bland, but it's been a long day at work and I really don't feel motivated to go after something more entertaining.

Snuffy's not doing anything picturesque and Lizzie is on lockdown after catching one of my dear little brown birds last night. She's a cat and I don't begrudge her the hunt but she brought the poor little thing in the house to show me. In a way that was good because I was able to rescue it and it flew off happily. Actually, I did let her out tonight for her evening promenade around the patio, but I kept an eye on her.

Unfortunately, shortly after the bird incident last night, she sat right in the middle of the living room and watched a spider the size of a Mini Cooper walk across the floor and she didn't twitch a whisker. Do you suppose she was slightly irritated with me? Him I didn't rescue. It was a Hobo spider and they're poisonous so I escorted him to spider heaven. Most spiders I catch and relocate as far away from me as possible, but not this guy. He was big, ugly, aggressive and could deliver a nasty bite that could cause big trouble. Now I'm constantly looking down to see if the rest of his family is going to come trouping through looking for him. Anyway, I truly apologize to all you spider lovers out there but my benevolence only extends so far.

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