Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Alien veg

Well the morning started with yet another trip to Livingston with Weasley. It seems the antibiotics aren't working any more (hardly suprising after over a month on them) so he's been switched on to a different type which hopefully should clear up the last of the crackles in his lungs. On the plus side, he's gained weight, his fur is thickening up again and he's bouncing around like an idiot again.

Got some recycling done this afternoon. It seems that after the strikes last month, they're emptying the banks even more frequently than they ever did. Yay!

The evening was filled with more shredding and a little bit of relaxing.

You met a Kohl Rabi in the centre of this blip.. This week we got a whole new variety of it. This one's purple, isn't that fun.

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