I Don't Give a Fig...

I couldn't resist buying these two fresh figs yesterday.
I must admit that apart from any vitamin C or intestinal value, there was always the possibility in my mind of finding a blip without putting a foot outside the door; come to think of it, if I eat them today, I might not be able to put a foot out of the door for the next 24 hours.

Possibly the last time I ate a fresh fig was in Tel Aviv after finding them in the huge fruit section of the local supermarket: a fruit section where it seemed the done thing to test the freshness of smaller fruit like plums and cherries by sampling them before buying. I don't think one would get away with that in M&S.

Perhaps I'll leave the eating until later in the day as I do have to put a foot outside the door to source some buttons for a jacket I have been knitting for Glasgow granddaughter. Her previous jacket has been eaten by Glasgow moths who know a good thing when they see it.
I have found 5 suitable buttons in my button drawer , but I need 6 - typical!

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