probably definately

By chole33

Not quite the Vail TT

Well, we had planned on watching the entire 7 days of the USAPC, but as you can see this is clearly not the Vail TT. We (and about 100 of our closest friends) tried to find a campsite last night near Vail. Unfortunately, there weren't any still available. We gave up and drove home for the night, planning to drive back out this morning. The drive home was not very much fun. So much rain there was significant amounts of hydroplaning. Then as we were nearly home, the road was nearly shut down due to a semi fire ~8 hours previously. The traffic app put the delay at 15 minutes, an hour later we had made it the 2 miles through the backup. Needless to say we weren't in the mood to get back in the car this morning.

We went for a good long ride and then watched the TT on tv instead. It was a great ride. I PR'd up Lookout Mt (a popular local climb) by 3.5 minutes! I must have been inspired by all the fast racing I've seen this week.

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