Stage 1

I spent the morning at the Eastman Dental Hospital as I needed to have x-rays and a consultation ready for a wisdom tooth removal in a few weeks. The waiting room was an interesting mix of people and I thought the reception team did a good job at dealing with some real characters. I'm really not looking forward to going back but the staff were great so its given me extra confidence.

I thought I'd take a quick snap of the consulting room as I wonder how much dental treatments will change during my lifetime. Although, having seen some of the equipment in the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons, the basics still appear similar. I will be having sedation during the treatment and Im very grateful for that medical advancement!

I slept really badly last night as work is really busy and stressful at the moment. As soon as I arrived at the office I've been in back-to-back meetings all afternoon and not feeling great. I decided to reschedule my PT session to tomorrow so hopefully I'll feel better. My brain is just feeling completely overloaded at the moment and fingers crossed that sleep comes easier tonight!

Eastman Dental Hospital, Gray's Inn Road, London

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