My life, my lens

By JennyRampling

Urban mirror

A great day at work doing something I really enjoy.....helping people! One of my team has been unwell today so I have been helping out in the Advice Centre. Throughout my career I have always wanted to be in roles that make a difference to people's lives but the further up the ladder you reach it can be harder to have that direct connection. Today has been great to get back in the thick of it, problem solving and making students smile!

This picture is taken near Old Street tube station. I've never really been clear what this is supposed to be but as I walk past it everyday on the way home I thought I'd share it tonight.

London Met have launched a legal action against the UKBA's decision this evening. I have worked in the UK Higher Education sector for many years and this is a case I'm really interested to watch unfold due to the grounds they are appealing on. Whatever the outcome there is a lot at stake for all parties involved and the sector as a whole.

Old Street Roundabout, London

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