Morning from Bremner Bay

The Boss has been head down B.. up with the Photographic contest but this morning he had a visit to make so loaded me in Suzz and went. I was convinced that walkin and stuff was on the agenda so got into Largo in B flat Opus 17 ( for Dog and driver) and kept time with my tail but was a bit deflated when we stopped in G’s drive and he disappeared inside to drink coffee and biscuits no doubt.
Oh…Nearly forgot…We went via Bremner Bay and he paddled in the mud but again showed reluctance to let me do the same ‘Cos he was afraid that I would “Bugger up the puddles” …His words NOT mine. I probably would have BUT it’s the principal at stake here…Eh?

I never imagined that “Morning at Lake Hayes” from yesterday would go Totally Barking Mad AND The Boss is totally humbled with the support for this which has pushed it currently to his 7th most popular image since he started blipping. He celebrated by plugging the Iphone into the charger and patting me on the head.
He is very bogged down with other stuff tonight but wants to thank you all and will do his best to catch up on your comments over the weekend.

Walk into the mud?

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