Red dragonfly

As usual on the Mondays that I have a full day's meeting I ate my sandwiches at the nearby park at lunch time. I watched several dragonflies while I was eating, hoping that at least one of them would eventually land close enough so I could take a photo of it. Much to my surprise one of the red dragonflies came and sat on my right shoulder for a few seconds before it darted off again. Fortunately, just before I had to go back to the meeting, one of them sat down on some leaves and stayed there long enough so I could get two shots.

This is not the best photo I've ever taken because I only had the compact camera with me and the dragonfly landed a fair distance away so I had to use its full zoom and also crop it before I could post it, but I'm still pleased that I was able to get it.

It looks like I'm getting a cold as I woke up with a sore throat this morning and it still has not improved. If anything, I'm coughing more now. Fortunately I managed to get to the end of the meeting this afternoon before I also started to have a headache. I think a hot toddy is called for this evening.

Many thanks for the comments and the stars on my of Rosie from yesterday. As always they are very much appreciated.

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