Sleepy bunny head

It has taken me just over 3 hours to finally decide which photo to blip. Fortunately I'd only taken 20 in total today of my budgie Ozzie and rabbit Rosie or I might still be at it. I've eventually chosen this shot of Rosie because I wish I could switch off and relax like she was doing when I took the photo.

In an attempt not to think about anything I baked a cake and some pains au chocolat. The cake was made using all the normal ingredients but for the pains au chocolat I only had to unroll the dough and cut it, put the pieces of chocolat on each piece of dough and roll them up again. The plants on our courtyard were also watered, I finally hung up some wind chimes that had been waiting in their box for a few weeks now and spent some time with Rosie. Unfortunately I failed miserably and none of these things were able to stop my mind from going around in circles.

After two meeting free weeks, I have one to attend to again tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to find something to blip at lunch time at the nearby park.

Thank you so much for all the kind supportive comments and stars on my ducks blip from yesterday.

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