
By dunkyc


Every year for the past seven years a band of nutters descend on Kendal for Mintfest - a celebration of the performing arts.

As an amateur luvvie myself, I'm a big fan of it, but only ever get to see the day time acts, which is a bit of a shame as I believe that some of the night time stuff is pretty damn cool.

This year, we were able to catch an amazing dance routine/sketch and a rather sad tale of Malcolm's Birthday Party which through turns both humorous and touching ended under a melancholic cloud - no mean feat when performing on the street.

There were other acts which seemed slightly pointless. 3 people pulling a sledge around Kendal - dedication to performance, but like I say: ultimately pointless.

Then there was the person pictured above, who looked really cool, but we didn't stay long enough to see what he/she/it actually did.

Whichever way you look at these things, I am full of admiration for those who are willing to walk out into the middle of the High Street and say "Come over here! We're putting on a show for you!"

Bravo to the performers and well done to the organisers behind it all.

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