Time's Up!

Today we finished on the mountain. 12 weeks, 350,000 photographs, 6,700 images lost, 15-18 bike dismounts, 7 cyclists I'd like to see run over at some point, and other stuff.

Hit the road late this afternoon. What a strange moment. Very difficult to describe. A jubilation of "I'm going home", but also a bit of a sadness as I rather enjoy being on Stelvio and I'm leaving my Italian family (as good as).

What really struck me was just the jubilation. I have looked forward to going home practically since I got onto the mountain. Being away from my wife for so long has never been easy, and this time seemed so much worse. And here I was, driving down the mountain. Waited 3 months for today, and it's finally arrived! The project is over. 12 weeks done.

But still sad to see the hotel disappear as I descended into Switzerland, even occured to me - can't wait till next year and to be back! For now it's homeward bound. A couple of days in the UK and then I'll be home.

Of course, all jubilation is tempered by having to go through France on the way home. 12 weeks of Italy really takes the shine off France.

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