Up the hill.

A brief walk in the park at lunch. Having missed out on the clouds yesterday, I wasn't going to miss them again today. Best viewed Large!

A bit more about yesterday's shock.

As some of you will know, my father-in-law passed away in July. After a few weeks focus has turned to sorting things out. My nephew was searching the garage and was astonished to find a revolver and ammunition. Completely illegal, not locked away safely, not licensed. It was immediately handed to the police who advised that they believe it had never been fired. That was a great relief.

We've been trying to work out where this might have come from. My first thought was a WWII relic of his fathers or other family member (although they were all in reserved occupation). Having discounted that, we can only think he got it for personal safety when he was working in Pakistan and Syria in the 1970's. We've been told that then it wasn't illegal to carry fire-arms in checked in luggage - bizarre!

After 30 years I'm now wondering what kind of family I'm married into lol.
I'll definitely not be doing any gardening.....

The frightening thing is, not just the safety aspect, but since weapons like these have become illegal, he could easily have gone to prison for keeping it. No-one else knew anything about it, never mentioned, not even when a few years ago we bought him a day's shot-gun shooting as a birthday present. Also, I spent dozens of hours working on our car where it was found. I could easily of stumbled upon it then. Scary!

We just don't understand why!

And, as parents, we worry constantly about our kids. Maybe we've been worrying about the wrong people....

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