Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Gun Totting Fish!!

Headed out for a cycle today - and it was a good pedal - Headed into Edinburgh and up to The Bike Station - which is a fab place to either hand in Bikes that have seen better days or to pick up a cheap bike - check the link to find out more.

From there I headed out towards Musselburgh via Kinnaird Park - and then back along the coast thru Portobello, Leith and eventually ended up at the Cramond foreshore (before heading home to the Ferry)where this sculpture of a Fish proudly stands.

Looking a bit mean and moody (maybe reflecting the weather at the time), I loved how the wood at the side of it - darkened by time/weather/fire etc looked distinctly like a gun!!

I'm sure there is a bigger picture in there somewhere but we shall leave it at that - have a good one!

Oh - distance traveled .....approx 30 miles - happy with that!

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