Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

More success

I was a bit slow this morning… JR was up and off out to work, fresh as a daisy… could it have been the couple of extra glasses of bubbly I managed to fit in last night? No…

Sent off a few vital bits of paper to the solicitor, which I was pleased that I could lay my hands on straight away - how organised! All going smoothly… so far.

Popped down see Uncle A and do his ironing. He has various visitors during the day, so he’s kept quite busy. When I came back, I did a wee detour round to the new house - it’s only a block away. The door was open, but I’m sure they didn’t see me standing on the other side of the street, gazing across. Actually, I didn’t - I kept walking.

I have been trying for ages to get the wifi on the camera to hook up with my iPad. I’ve watched YouTube videos of the process, but they always seem to miss out vital bits, I’m sure, because it would never work. On one video the chap said,

‘It’s so easy that your drunk granny could do it.’

Well, I’m nobody’s granny, but a tad hungover, and today I managed it. This will be handy when I forget connections to download photos from the camera to the iPad on holiday. Or even, say, if I had a bird table (now that I've got a garden!), I could set the camera up beside it, and retire to the house and take a photo remotely. Amazing!

This wee car was parked in our street this morning. I took the liberty of personalising it.

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