a new year!

By Thesalh70

National Ice Centre - £180

Is it Tuesday...is it Wednesday?....

nice warm start to the day either way.

another good morning at work, and for some reason i was starvin' marvin' ealry doors! stomach rumbling, managed to hold off eating my lunch until 11.15am!

had a wander out at lunch, down to the National Ice Arena. Used to do a bit of skating myself, with school once a week we went off to Sutton Ice Rink, and i loved it. The only skating i get to do these days is in the Beamer in winter.... :(

The Ice Arena is also home to the Ice Hockey Champions of 2012/13...Nottingham Panthers..my sis Li is a season ticket holder, and it's a regular Saturday night blood fest!! This pic is off the public skate rink, and not the huge arena the Panthers play on. The ice Arena also doubles as a massive gig arena....i've seen Foo's, Killers, Muse, and many more on the stage above the ice!

back to work, and the afternoon flew by. home, and off again for a walk, after tea, with Pete.

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