
By antipodia

The local candidate for Mayo (Smart Dogs Party)

Think I won a few votes for the Greens at the pre-polling station in the old Town Hall.

I'm actually not particularly political but things are looking dire for the planet with the major parties and I think we need some Greens in the Senate. If Abbott gets in and the Greens aren't represented then he'll have total control and we all know what absolute power does.

This is a very staunch Liberal seat which was reflected in the number of Liberal volunteers compared to others. Labor didn't even bother to show.

It's rather a fun thing to do and makes one realise that there are nice people of every political flavour. The Libs and Family First "How to Vote" card handerouters were a cheerful bunch and all very friendly.

Several people coming to vote said they would vote for Ruby. Trouble is she left it too late to nominate.

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