Hazy Days

Another lovely busy day today. Miss E had a Summer Camp at her gymnastics club.
She started being really silly this morning, doing the clingy baby behaviour that drives me barmy. But I ignored it, thought happy thoughts and got them in the car with minimal nagging. Well Miss E nagged Miss L for taking too long which was quite funny.
I suddenly had a brainwave in the car listening to her gibbering something in a baby voice.
"Are you nervous about gymnastics?"
A tiny voice: "Yes"
It hadn't occurred to me that a full day with loads of people she doesn't know in a relatively new environment might be daunting.
If I'd shouted at her to stop being so babyish and annoying she'd never have told me.
Day Three of no shouting. It's like a different world!!
I dropped Miss E off - successfully fighting the urge to rush in and cuddle her and take her home when I looked through the window and saw her sitting on her own amongst all the giant older kids like a little lost lamb......
From there Miss L and I went to Mrs R's house and had a very pleasant few hours chatting, drinking tea and setting the world to rights.
Miss E seemed happy but exhausted when I picked her up. I watched the last few minutes of the session through the window and she looked ready to drop as they ran around and did a funky dance!
"Fine" was all I got when I asked her how it went!
She did elaborate a bit over the last few hours and apparently won three of the games.
More than the other girls on her team.
Who were all bigger!
That's my girl.

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