More Cake?

We're all rather tired out tonight! The day began at 7am with the Little Misses demanding to go out on their swing. It seemed like a good idea until they started shrieking with excitment..... I bet the neighbours were less than thrilled. Oops!!!
It was the Winslow Show today which was wonderful. I do like a Country Show!!!
Despite a rubbish weather forecast we got off very lightly with just a couple of downpours - one as soon as we got there which was fine because we had headed straight for the tea tent and these wonderful WI cakes!
The Little Misses love any excuse to swing their umbrellas so they didn't mind a bit of rain!
It is a really old fashioned show with lovely vintage fairground rides - roundabouts and flying swings, Punch and Judy, tractors to sit on, dog agillity courses, craft tents, dog judging, pony jumping and gymkhanas.
Miss E continued the family tradition of always winning at the tombola but unfortunately she won a Fruit Shoot rather than a bottle of wine or whiskey!!!
We came home and made our first apple tart of the season - with apples freshly picked from our tree. Yummy!!!!
The sugar kicked in pretty instantly and the day ended with the Little Misses outside on their swing shrieking with excitement and then running around the house naked, doing mad Scottish dancing.
What a fantastic day!!!
(Except for the fact that the stupid Landrover wouldn't start. I think it knows we're getting rid of it and is playing silly buggers......)

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