Pepper love
TallGirl hearts peppers. Especially ones grown with her own fair hands*. Actually, TallGirl mainly gardens in a Lady of the Manor sort of way. "I say Watson" (that's me, Head Gardener and Chief Forelock Tugger) "I think we shall have peppers this year." So, I bought the pepper plant she chose, saved it a select spot in the tomato planter, watered it every day and, tonight, picked, photographed and sliced the tiny product for Madame's delectation. The response? "I'm not sure it's ripe yet." Sigh. Well, there are thankfully plenty more peppers on the bush.
More house sorting, some floor scrubbing and a tad of garden tidying (well, wandering around the garden admiring the fat tomatoes really - which in the last few day's slightly cloudier weather have all come ripe - just when the only tomato-eater in the house is far away).
Lots of anxiously waiting for news from Mr B too on his rounds of interviews. All sounds good so far, but I am keeping chickens and eggs, cups and lips, all in their proper places until he's on-site with a security pass in his hot little hands.
*Obviously I mean 'dirty' - but that's what a week of being feral gets you. At least when they're feral in Spain they're in the swimming pool and cleaner. And you can see clearly here that her left thumb is her 'sucky thumb' which has seen a lot of use lately.
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