Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Birthday boy

Today is Adam's 16th birthday - sweet sixteen! As any parent of a teenager knows, there is nothing sweet about being sixteen. From his point of view, there are problems with spots, frustration at not being 19, frustration with parents who just don't get it and ask too many questions...the list goes on and on. From our point of view we have a teenager who can never wake up in the morning, who wastes half his day on screens, who thinks his parents know nothing, can be grumpy and moody...the list goes on and on.

But he is our teenager, funny, charming, very bright and with a great sense of humour and we love him to bits (even on the bad days).

I still remember when he was born 16 years ago, when just 4 days later as the baby blues had kicked in and I was about to be discharged from hospital after my C-section, I was up very early feeding him and got the news flash that Princess Diana had died. I remember crying and it was not just the day three baby blues.

So a hectic day today after we got home late last night from our holiday - unpacking, washing, shopping for groceries, shopping for school shoes, rugby boots, trainers...there was no time to bake a birthday cake, but Adam did not mind.

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