Of Making Smooth Advances in the Rain....
Oh my goodness. Did you know that the hour of 3.30 am exists?
It does, and when you are outside, it is all still there. Everything is there... the streets, the houses, the gardens. It's all there, but the people aren't.
I woke with a horrific jolt - I stayed up far too late, but I dragged myself out of bed and stood in the shower, where my sunburn went ouch, under the warm shower. I shoogled Tooli, and she staggered out of bed and the two of us sat and stared at a cuppa .
Then we picked up L... and headed for the airport. Thankfully the road was empty. L slepts all the way up and was really surprised that we had got there so fast.
Tooli checked that the rest of the gang were inside or en route, and I dropped them at the Drop Off Point and headed back down the road, for another couple of hours in bed.
My head has been like fuzz all day.
In other news. People are killing badgers for no good reason. And The West World Leaders are getting itchy fingers. Too much for me to consider. The Gals, all seven of them arrived in Mallorca, and have found their way to the "all inclusive buffet". Go Gals!
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