Blip scouting by car and by boat

Our company left today and my husband offered to take me around the shore of Lake Michigan to do some blip scouting. It turned out to be a wonderful day with lots of stops and adventures down little dirt roads. We had a great lunch in one of the little towns along the way and found lots of places I'll have to revisit for future blips. Then after we got home and took the dogs for a walk he suggested that we take a boat ride around our lake. He had seen several ducks in the evening last night and thought I'd like a chance to photograph them at a better distance. I did, though next time I'll take a different lens... then maybe I'll share them with you... But not tonight ;-/

After this long day of on the go fun and a great weekend with our company, I'm a bit totally spent! All of my good intentions to catch up on commenting tonight have gone out the window. I'll will need to catch up tomorrow. In the mean time, thank you for checking in and leaving such thoughtful comments! 'Til tomorrow, Good night all! :)

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