
By KirstyHalbert


Woke up with what felt like a lead ball in my head that rolled forwards whenever I moved and hit the front of my skull with great force. M was sympathetic but I think he thought it was the gin from yesterday. I tried to tell him it was the lack of caffeine from my detox - he didn't believe me until I caved in and drank a cup of Millicano; 15 minutes later I was back to normal and bouncing around making us breakfast. I'd managed 40 hours of no caffeine... Not very good. I've decided cold-turkey is not the way to go, and I'm now just bringing myself down slowly. I'm allowing myself two cups a day this weekend, and only one a day next week.

After M left for the lifeboat, I got a call from the massage place I'd booked us both in at. Oops. I was 10 minutes late for the first appointment, and the next was in 50 minutes. I didn't feel up to it at all, so I called M and asked if he wanted to have his. He's been called out on the lifeboat twice this week, and his muscles are sore from kneeling in the ILB so he was really keen! I went along and drank tea and read trashy magazines, and he came out smelling of oranges and looking very relaxed.

Afterwards, we had lunch at the beach, then drove over to Hazlehead for a game of golf. I played quite well (for me!) and was only 4 strokes behind M on 59 (for 9 holes, before any golfers out there get too excited) - AND I got a par! When we got home, we had a wee afternoon snooze, then walked over to Christo's Greek Taverna for a gorgeous meal with RNLI folk (note to self: when having a mezze starter, choose a small main - NOT moussaka). We were tucked up in bed by midnight; we're obviously getting old!

We have a bed of lovely blood-red flowers that have just come into bloom in our garden, and their individual petals look like little hearts. They're so delicate that the petals blow all over the garden in any kind of breeze, and I found this tiny red heart in the middle of some of the plants that haven't flowered yet. Gorgeous.

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